Monday, November 16, 2009

My son has a hard lump on his shin!!!?

my 4 yo son has a had a hard not round but sort if longish lump on his shin for around 3 weeks now.We had a n ultrasound done on friday but i was wondering if anyone could shed some light or has had a similar thing happen.He has a history of erythema nodosum and got this particular lump around the time he had a cold. whe we got the ultrasound done he initially said it looks like a fatty lump but when he had finished he said nothing more about what it could be..... it hurts him when you touch it.... there is no marking on the skin, hope somone cab help

My son has a hard lump on his shin!!!?
When I was a kid, I had something similar to what you describe. It was an osteochondroma (bone tumor). Not as big a deal as it sounds. I had it removed, and that was that.
Reply:Since you have had tests run, best to wait until the results show something definitive especially since no one here has seen it.
Reply:i do not think it is a bone tumour, i think it could just be a bump on the leg or a side affect to a drug he might have taken since he had a cold. best to see what the test shows. please tell what they are when you get them thanks! for now i highly suggest no sports and lots of vegatbles.

1 comment:

  1. My son , now 27 yrs old, had ganglion cysts on both ankles. They never hurt but we had the dr check them at every visit.
