Thursday, May 7, 2009

Is erythema modusom contagious?and what causes it?

You mean:

Erythema Nodosum

What is erythema nodosum?

Erythema nodosum is characterized by tender, red bumps, usually found on the shins. Quite often, erythema nodosum is not a separate disease, but, rather, a sign of some other disease, or of a sensitivity to a drug.

Diseases that can cause erythema nodosum:

streptococcal infections

sarcoidosis (inflammation of the lymph nodes and other organs)


coccidioidomycosis (infection of the upper respiratory tract and lungs)

histoplasmosis (an infectious pulmonary disease)


psittacosis (a flu-like disease)

lymphogranuloma venereum (a venereal infection)

ulcerative colitis

Drugs that can cause erythema nodosum:

antibiotics containing sulfa



oral contraceptives

What are the symptoms of erythema nodosum?

The following are the most common symptoms of erythema nodosum. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently:

raised bruises on shins


joint pain

enlarged lymph nodes in chest

Young adults are particularly susceptible to erythema nodosum -- the symptoms of which may resemble other dermatologic conditions. Consult a physician for diagnosis.

How is erythema nodosum diagnosed?

A biopsy (removal of tissue for examination under a microscope) of a bump can usually confirm the diagnosis. However, the exact cause can not always be identified. Drug-caused erythema nodosum can usually be diagnosed by careful elimination of the drug causing it.

Treatment for erythema nodosum:

Specific treatment for erythema nodosum will be determined by your physician based on the cause of the disorder and may include:


treatment of underlying cause

bed rest to relieve pain



Is erythema modusom contagious?and what causes it?
It isn't a disease, it is a symptom. You won't spread it, but if you have an infection that is causing it, it is possible, but there are so many things that cause it, you should see a doctor asap.

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